LETTER: Voting yes for both Sequim library questions

Will vote yes

I grew up as an ardent Seattle library patron and wanted to raise my own children to develop a passionate love for libraries and lifelong learning.

Upon moving to Sequim in 1996, the first thing our family did was to go get library cards. We have been frequent visitors to the Sequim branch ever since and have so appreciated the customer service excellence and encouragement and patience we’ve received from the NOLS Sequim staff over the years of our family homeschooling career.

The time we’ve spent at the Sequim branch, books we’ve read, research we’ve done, items (not just books) we’ve checked out, and positive interactions we’ve had have played a key role in our children developing wonderful imaginations and voracious reading appetites. Additionally, we believe our local libraries played a contributory role in our oldest child pursuing his master’s degree in Library Science and Information Services, so he in turn can help others access information and resources.

The Sequim branch staff do wonderful work in an outdated and undersized space. The building has clearly outgrown its usefulness and the needs of our town. Its cramped space limits the ability of the library and staff to provide adequate space and services to the ever-growing Sequim community, which, while known as a retirement mecca, is also a vibrant community of families. The benefits from a new, expanded library will profit our community now and for decades to come.

It is with confidence in the value of our Sequim library to our Peninsula community that I will be voting yes on my ballot for Proposition 1 and Proposition 2. Please join me?

Ann Marie Henninger,
