LETTER: Urges vote to re-elect Stinson in Port Townsend

I strongly recommend a vote for Deborah Stinson’s re-election to Port Townsend city council position 3.

I worked closely and directly with Stinson, and with the city manager, on projects over several years as city attorney from 2000-2014, and subsequent interim periods.

Deborah always came prepared to meetings.

She does her homework.

She researches issues and comes to reasoned, responsible decisions.

Importantly, she listens and works well with people.

These are qualities you want in a leader.

They were evident when she worked with other elected leaders, for example, on key fire service issues.

These leadership qualities, and the connections and background experience she brings as an elected council member, are particularly important in the transition the city administration and the citizens of the city face with a new city manager coming on board later this year.

I am happy to endorse Deborah’s re-election.

John Watts,

Port Townsend