LETTER: Trump behaviors don’t exemplify leadership

So many times I have read scathing letters in the Peninsula Daily News’ Peninsula Voices from the left and right of the political aisle that are full of name-calling and accusations against people with different beliefs than their own.

But there are some things I think we all can agree on as fact.

Donald Trump, who has the privilege of occupying the Oval Office, is tarnishing and bringing dishonor to that esteemed position.

Everyone knows, regardless of political party, that Donald Trump is a narcissistic, pathological liar and is void of any morals and ethics.

I think Trump has demonstrated that he also lacks empathy.

It was disgusting and pathetic that he had to use crib notes to remind himself to show compassion when he met with the Parkland high school students Feb. 21 (CNN, “Trump’s note card for Parkland shooting discussion: ‘I hear you’ ”).

He has proven that he is vindictive, a bully and a coward with his tweets.

I’m sure we can all agree that these are not the qualities of a leader.

I know everyone is concerned about Trump’s war on our press as I am.

His constant attacks are actually a war on our First Amendment rights.

Pertaining to the letter March 20, “A new moniker,” one that I use is Tweetin’ Traitor Trump.

Candie Forrester,
