LETTER: Possible death sentence

We all breathe the same air.

It is the commons we must share to survive.

Like it or not this means the air must sustain us, not make us sick.

We observe rules about polluting it and now that must include not spreading germs around which could make other people sick.

We may not know we are infected but at this time we must assume it is possible.

The best method for accomplishing this is shelter in place and if out in public wear some kind of face covering.

Evidently for some this represents an overbearing authority which threatens their freedom and must be challenged even defied.

There are few exceptions to interfering in people’s lives except when public health and safety are involved.

Freedom does not extend to putting others in harm’s way.

While most of us want to live a long and healthy life and are willing to do anything and everything to protect ourselves and people we care about it is unfortunate that there are those among us who have different priorities.

Their indifference or objection may be ideological — everyone is entitled to their own opinion — but the consequence of not cooperating with public health guidance has darker and more sinister implications.

For those with compromised immune or respiratory systems it may be a death sentence.

Brian Grad
