LETTER: Misinformation

I was amazed at the selfishness and misinformation contained in the letter “Resist the Left” which appeared June 4.

The letter writer seems to think mask wearing is political.

It is not.

Although he may be young and healthy, many in our community are not.

Those who are over 65, on medications that decrease the immune response, or who have many common diseases are at risk of dying from COVID-19.

But we still need to go out to shop and get out in fresh air.

The intent of this letter is not to discuss the scientific misinformation referred to by the letter writer concerning masks and risks.

The letter writer should know that there is an increase in occurrence of COVID-19 in those 20-40 and that there is also an increase in death, stroke, and blood clots in this age group.

Regardless, if we are a caring community even you who are not at risk will protect the rest of us by wearing a mask (NIH, March 31, 2020).

Your community will thank you.

My children and grandchildren will thank you for doing so.

Marsha Melnick
