LETTER: Keeping Malkin as a Friday columnist an open-minded venture

In reading Peninsula Voices in the March 13 Peninsula Daily News, I decided that I also needed to voice my opinion.

I agree fully with the writer of the letter “Reads Malkin.”

I also enjoy all the different columns that you publish from different columnists.

I enjoy Michelle Malkin [Fridays], Cal Thomas [Thursdays], Paul Krugman [sometimes on Mondays] and many more.

I am not saying that I agree with all that they believe or write, but it is always wise to keep an open mind to other opinions or facts.

When people choose not do this, we then become closed-minded and ignorant to some realistic facts or even just something for us to give thought to instead of just shutting your mind down to maybe a different thought.

Leslee MacDonald,

Port Ludlow