It is rare that I have difficulty accepting someone else’s opinion, but after reading a recent letter [“Jet noise,” Aug. 17], I feel compelled to respond.
The letter writer stated that he heard the loud noise made by the jets on Whidbey Island prior to purchasing his house in Port Angeles.
Despite being exposed to the noise of jets on nearby Whidbey Island, he nevertheless chose to purchase a house in Port Angeles.
We all make choices and have to live with them.
It reminds me of people building close to airports, railroad tracks and interstate highways and then complaining about the noise.
Another example is the former pheasant release site at the Dungeness Recreation Area, which had been active for many years prior to houses being built nearby.
After building, the neighbors complained of the noisy hunting during a short period each year, and the area has been shut down for pheasant release.
As it happens, naval forces are usually located close to the coastline, so if you prefer not to be exposed to them, may I recommend you move further inland and check noise pollution prior to purchasing your next home.
Freidrich Gruetzmacher,