LETTER: Trump should reconsider supporting ‘losers’ of the Civil War

Why does Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed winner-in-chief, support honoring the losers of the Civil War?

Rather than react to the events in Charlottesville, Va., within hours with his normal tweet-storm format, it took Trump three days of intense fact-gathering before he could address the nation at the now-famous shoot-from-the-lip news conference Aug. 15.

From the statements he uttered, I can only assume that he had to carefully disseminate information that the rest of us did not have access to.

Like secret Infowars videos showing large groups of very fine people, all of them history buffs, carrying torches, Confederate battle flags and quietly chanting “Save the statues.”

All those very fine people with the sole purpose of preserving our culture and history from the politically correct and radical alt-left.


Trump has only placed himself on the losing side in the fight for civil rights.

There was a time in our history when groups like the Ku Klux Klan held enormous political power in parts of this country.

Most of these statues were erected in the Jim Crow era and long after the Civil War ended.

Their real purpose was not to elevate the stature of Confederate leaders in American history but to deny people of color their stature in a nation where all men are created equal.

Not anymore.

The KKK and the Confederacy lost.

I suggest to Mr. Trump that he reconsider supporting all these losers, lest he become one.


Too late.

Leonard Mermod,
