LETTER: Disagrees with climate change

The false narrative of climate change continues to affect government entities, for example the Jefferson County Board of Health, the Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners and other non-scientific opportunists on the Olympic Peninsula such as Port Townsend High School Students for Sustainability.

Public officials continue to mislead the public with inaccurate information.

There is no scientific consensus on global warning.

A comprehensive, multi-disciplinary compilation of technical papers challenges the notion that the science is settled.

The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change challenges the drumbeat of anti-carbon proponents.

The Chicken Littles continue to scare us that the sky is falling in.

Bicycles instead of carbon-based fuels.

Windmills and solar panels instead of propane and wood-burning stoves.

No dairy products because cows produce extraordinary amounts of methane, another greenhouse gas.

The pay-me-now mantra or pay-m- later gambit makes for more government control of the economy.

The Bernie Sandinistas despise capitalism.

Socialism will solve the horrors of climate change.

The Green New Deal is the fix.

Ron Gregory

Port Ludlow