LETTER: Common sense prevailed in Clallam’s green light for herbicide use

It was unanimous.

Common sense prevailed, making this host of “Weeds & Wildlife” on KSQM radio very happy.

The county won its long battle: Herbicide use will now be expanded to control invasive weeds along our county roadsides.

In time, native plants will return so pollinators will have a year-round food supply.

Over a period of two years, I attended all hearings for the weed ordinance — listening to everyone’s testimony.

Opposers admonished the county for just not trying hard enough without herbicide.

After nearly three decades, the cancer of non-native invasive weeds pushed out native plants that supply year-round food.

Opposers expected the county to hire more staff, indifferent to taxpayers’ pocketbooks.

Opposers queried volunteerism.

To my knowledge, no one from the opposition has ever stepped forward to organize such a program.

Volunteering is still an option.

During these three hearings, the commissioners gave everyone an opportunity to comment, even waiving the standard three-minute time limit.

This did not work out well.

Many more could have testified, but some took advantage of the unrestricted time limit.

Veering away from specifically addressing the ordinance, this was their opportunity to vent about climate change and man’s inhumanity.

After waiting for hours, many who wanted to speak just had to give up.

For future meetings, if time limits are waived to allow speakers a slightly extended time at the podium, in fairness to others, they must yield to give everyone an opportunity to comment.

If they have more to say, they should go to the end of the line and wait their turn again.

And again.

Shelley Taylor,

Port Angeles