LETTER: Bridge traffic circle ‘ridiculous error in judgment’

Roundabout at the Hood Canal Bridge?

Whose brilliant idea was that?

Obviously someone who does not drive that stretch of road on a regular basis.

Probably the same person who wanted to put a roundabout at the intersection of Golf Course Road and First Street in Port Angeles.

That is just one of the most insane plans for a busy highway ever.

Picture the traffic moving swiftly and these semi-trucks which can dominate the road at times trying to maneuver a roundabout before entering the Hood Canal Bridge.

I can see it now: traffic backed up for hours in each direction for hours at times due to traffic altercations due to the roundabout.

There is a traffic light on the east side of the bridge that works just fine for controlling vehicles entering onto the bridge.

It would be much safer, and I am sure a lot less money, to install a traffic light on the west side of the bridge as well.

Please, we have got to prevent this project from happening before people’s lives are put in harm’s way.

I am not sure who to complain to about this.

Someone please do something to stop this ridiculous error in judgment.

Cynthia Hargreaves,

Port Angeles