LETTER: Anti-vaxxer reasons

I keep seeing letters from people wondering why everyone won’t get behind health mandates and get vaccinated.

For me, the divide came when all our boat launches were blocked off last year.

We couldn’t fish.

We couldn’t even go boating.

It made zero sense, but our state wanted to make sure everyone that loved to be on the water, couldn’t go.

Another reason for me is the term “social distancing.”

The word social before any verb tells all on the left to get behind whatever it is.

We don’t want social distancing, but rather physical distancing.

The social distancing that has occurred has caused terrible harm to people.

One more reason is vaccine side effects.

If I felt everyone was open and honest in their reporting the side effects people are enduring from the vaccine, I would have more faith in the integrity of the push to vaccinate.

These are my reasons.

Mark White

Port Angeles