LETTER: Progressives feel sorry for conservatives

Lost their way

A letter in Thursday’s Peninsula Voices was both sad and revealing (“Recounting all the names used for the president,” Dec. 20).

He lists all the disqualifying attributes clearly demonstrated by President Donald Trump, but fails to comprehend or appreciate them.

We progressives who have called out Trump for his near-treasonous actions do not hate anyone who chooses to keep their heads in the sand while accepting Trump’s authoritarian rants and actions.

No, we just feel terribly sorry for them.

Conservatism once touted family values and righteous fear of fascist Russia.

Remember those days?

Now forgotten, right-wing Trumpians have lost their way and have moved to a position of valuing only the status quo to the detriment of inclusiveness and tolerance, and, of course, family values, democracy and world order.

Sad and revealing.

George Bush,

Port Townsend