LETTER: Numbers don’t add up for school levy

If you remember two years ago, one would have thought the Port Angeles High School was going to fall down.

Way back when they were asking for a $98.3 million bond.

It was terrible.

People described classrooms and hallways with holes in the roof.

They talked of tap water made undrinkable because of rusted pipes, defective heaters so loud students cannot hear their teachers and buildings riddled with asbestos.

Superintendent Marc Jackson himself brought in a rusted pipe to a public meeting to give validity to what they had to say, and added, “we can’t put new technology into these buildings.

“We can’t bring our students into the 20th century!” (“Port Angeles Council Members Sympathetic but Balk at Endorsement,” Jan. 7, 2015, PDN).

Now here we are two years later.

With that falling down high school in the rear view mirror, it is not the problem.

They present a different problem, a different way of procuring the money.

On www.stop75percenttax.com, it’s alleged that they could have put this on the ballot during the general election for approximately $20,000.

Instead they made it a special election for a cost to the taxpayer of $70,000.

Way to spend money, school board.

A separate election for a levy instead of a bond, that according to the website above, will cost us even more than the $98.3 million bond would have, because of the shorter payoff time of a levy.

Check it out for yourself.

As for me, the superintendent and the school board have a huge credability problem and I am absolutely going to vote against this levy.

William Yucha,

Port Angeles