LETTER: Do the right thing

The sure thing in our world is death and taxes.

We have some say over the former and more over the latter.

The American government invented by the framers of the Constitution gave the power of taxation to the government chosen by the people.

Therein lies the problem — the people.

One man’s meat is another man’s poison, hence the conflict between who pays for the public services and how much.

The framers were clear that the American experiment could not survive without an informed and educated public and gradually devoted part of the national wealth to that end.

Fortunately, we have been able to resolve the meat or poison issue without the use of a gun by mostly civil discourse and agreeing in the long run to do the right thing.

If we don’t intuitively know the right thing after judging with an open mind the available facts we’ve abdicated our humanity and lost our empathy for our neighbors.

Woe is us.

The proposed tax levy on top of the McCleary tax is a burden on us all — some more than others.

To some it’s the same or less than a daily mocha latte plus additional sugar and fat ($4 X 365 = $1,460).

To others it’s beans or hamburger for dinner.

The levy is intelligently written and avoids interest cost by paying as we go and delaying expenditures for three years.

This delay gives time to haggle with the School Board over their plans and do the right thing.

Bill Atkinson

Port Angeles