LETTER: Daylight savings time means unnatural time, aggravation

Time, aggravation

Now, finally, the voting hoopla season is over and we’ve just had to deal with the daylight savings time fiasco, which half of the world doesn’t do.

Most of Australia never did it.

And modern-day electronic gadget folks don’t like it with all of their 21st century devices to contend with nowadays.

Why do we still do it here?

Good question.

Why do we have to run around and re-time all of our stuff which most all is now electronically driven, every spring and fall — our clocks, watches, ovens, microwaves, exercise and health gadgets?

You name it, we all have them.

An even the old-style farmers never liked it and neither did their animals.

Just leave well enough alone and let God’s sun tell us what time it is, as was intended, they said.

Back in 1916 when daylight saving time came under discussion, it was the European countries that instigated the time change to conserve fuel to produce electric power, prior to World War I.

In short, now there is a hodgepodge of countries, states, cities and local counties that do or don’t change their times to “fall back” or “spring forward.”

Why are we now spending time and aggravation twice a year by resetting our natural 24-hour day that was established many centuries ago?

Paul Lamoureux,

Port Angeles