LETTER: Conservatives ruining this country

Fascism being the hallmark of conservatism, and with the apparent belief that the goal of eliminating democracy is within each, the plutocrats, oligarchs and their dupes have stepped up their efforts to achieve that goal.

To this end, the past few months of print propaganda in the Peninsula Daily News have been impressive:

Cal Thomas ludicrously attempting to paint Republicans as cowardly and timid — and Democrats as vicious and aggressive — in order to lay to foundation to blame Democrats for the devastation Republicans are now wreaking.

Michelle Malkin sees “pervs” everywhere on the left, none on the right (Hestert? Trump? Moore?).

She insists that National Public Radio and Public Broadcasting Service need a makeover but ignores — incredulously — that Fox “News” does.

A former Clallam County Republican chairman on Feb. 18 made a conclusion about an ongoing investigation into treasonous collusion with a foreign government.

President Obama was blamed for doubling the national debt, according to some media accounts, when those numbers reflected the previous eight years of misrule.

President Clinton left office with a budget surplus ; Obama inherited a crashing economy.

A bogus litany of far-right criteria for becoming an American was printed and innumerable instances of the U.S. government being treated as an oppressive, standalone entity were, as well.

Conservative corporate America is the culprit here.

The time has come for conservatives to learn some decency and stop ruining this country.

Nicky D’Andrea,

Port Townsend