LETTER: Come play golf, not snowball fights

Snowballs flying

Snowballs flew at Peninsula Golf Course on Sunday and everybody had a good time. (“Crowd gathers for community snowball fight in Port Angeles,” PDN, Feb. 11).

That’s nice.

We like everyone having good time, especially with the snow stifling road movement and contributing to cabin fever.

Get out and move around.

When Deidra Delgado grew nostalgic for the fun times at an impromptu snowball fight at Wright Park in Tacoma, she didn’t take into consideration the fact that Wright Park may be a public park, but Peninsula Golf Club is private property.

Peninsula Golf Club is owned and maintained by its members.

Inviting the neighborhood to Peninsula Golf Course to have a snowball fight is like inviting everyone to someone’s house when they are not home.

It is, at least, trespassing.

We at the golf club like to see people having good time.

We welcome you to join us as golf-playing members or social members.

Or come play golf as a green fee player.

But sometimes when trespassers come to have fun at the expense of the golf course there has been trash strewn about and damage to the course.

I know, they were just having fun and thought their moms would pick up after them.

But as it turns out, that trash and damage has to be dealt with by golf course employees and member volunteers.

So while we would encourage everyone to have a good time and play in the snow, there is plenty of snow in the neighborhood.

Come to the golf course and play golf.

Greg Shield,

Port Angeles