Ceremonies for four high schools and Peninsula College are scheduled for this weekend.
UPDATE: The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office said Monday morning it was a family of five that died in the explosion in Brinnon early Sunday, including… Continue reading
There will be field carrier landing practice operations for aircraft stationed at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island at Ault Field midmorning to early… Continue reading
Two men have been arrested for investigation of an assault on a 60-year-old man in Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park. The unidentified… Continue reading
Port of Port Townsend commissioners will discuss funding alternatives for replacement of the Point Hudson jetties during their regular session at 1 p.m. Wednesday. The… Continue reading
Monthly luncheon meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:15 a.m. in the… Continue reading
The National Weather Service issued a special weather statement for those planning to travel into the mountains this weekend. A front… Continue reading
Public school officials from across the North Olympic Peninsula aired their concerns about school funding during a closed-door meeting with state lawmakers in… Continue reading
As spring slowly gives way to the approaching summer season (today is the first day of late, late spring; summer officially starts here on Thursday,… Continue reading
Adventures of the imagination are flourishing in Port Townsend this weekend with the Brass Screw Confederacy’s seventh annual Steampunk Festival. A hootenanny,… Continue reading
“THERE IT GOES again.” The phrase popped into my head when I spotted a towhee diving toward a large clump of sword ferns. I’d seen… Continue reading
A transient man charged with fourth-degree assault with sexual motivation is being held in jail on $100,000 bond. Brian Judah Michalek, 56,… Continue reading
AS A RESULT of rather considerable examination and contemplation, I’ve concluded that mortality is a lousy idea. Granted, my perspective might be somewhat dented by… Continue reading
I’M LEARNING ALL sorts of new things since adding Gypsy, a dainty black and white mini-horse, to the family. She’s full of energy and yet… Continue reading
I’VE BEEN EXPERIMENTING lately. Not in a lab, but perhaps in an even more unstable environment … my kitchen. It started innocently enough. I got… Continue reading
The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe will sponsor a six-part small business planning series beginning Monday, June 11. All classes will be held… Continue reading
A paddleboarding discussion, a bike adventure presentation and a playground fundraiser are among the upcoming activities on the North Olympic Peninsula. Information also is available… Continue reading
Washington State Parks has closed Anderson Lake to recreation after high levels of the potent nerve toxin anatoxin-a were detected in a water… Continue reading
Jefferson County is preparing to enter into mediation over allegations of misconduct against Sheriff Dave Stanko, Jefferson County Administrator Philip Morley said… Continue reading
This is a story of a hat leading to a new life. Patricia Young worked at Tango Zulu Imports, a fair-trade shop in Port Gamble,… Continue reading