BILLY SALLEE’S GOLF COLUMN: Youth football charity event at Port Townsend course

THE NINTH ANNUAL Kickoff Scramble at Port Townsend Municipal Golf Club is scheduled for Aug. 15.

This is the annual fundraiser for the Jefferson County Youth Football program.

The competition is a two-person scramble (four drives and four second shots required per player).

The entry fee is $80 per team (tax deductible). Non-member players are welcome, and a $10 greens fee will be charged in addition to the entry fee.

The entry fee covers the prize fund, team closest to the pin contest, long putt contest and closest to the line drive on a selected par-5 hole.

The tournament is limited to 36 teams. Call 360-385-4547 to reserve your spot.

Also, for your information, on Sept. 5 and 6 there will be two separate tournaments. On Sept. 5 is a two-person best-ball, and Sept. 6 is a TBD.

Tiger’s magic

If you haven’t heard the news by now, you are not a serious golf fan or you haven’t been paying attention.

Yes, he did it again. The summary should read something like this: Tiger Woods did it again. He won the Buick Open for the third time. This is the 69th time he has won as a professional golfer.

All of the familiar superlatives can be applied to this fabulous athlete. He crafted a 3-under 69 on the final day and finished with a 268 for the victory.

Such a great champion.

Scoring his age

On Sunday, Wayne Pinger, Dave Englesby and Dick Thompson played a round of golf at Cedars at Dungeness Golf Course in Sequim.

The fourth player in their group was Paul Ryan. He is famous for his ball-striking ability, and on this day his golf score matched his age.

He ended the round with birdies on 15 and 16 and pars on 17 and 18, which gave him a 75.

His playing partners were rooting for him as he crafted his historic round, and Thompson reports “a good time was had by all.”

Charity tournament

A highlight of the Bob Taylor Memorial Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament held on Saturday at SunLand Golf & Country Club in Sequim was a hole-in-one by Tom Fitzgerald on No. 5.

For the ace, Fitzgerald won a Bose stereo system furnished by Fryer M M & Sons Insurance, Inc.

In the Handicap Best Ball division, low net was won by Mike Schmidt and Dennis Power with a 57.

The low gross winner was Fitzgerald and Tom Caufield with 67.

The Calloway division was won by Nick Schaefer and Steve Zipser with a combined score of 67.

Peninsula Demo Day

Head professional Chris Repass is inviting both men and women golfers to the Callaway Golf Company Demo Day at Peninsula Golf Club in Port Angeles on Saturday.

Buck Morrow, the Western Washington Callaway representative, will be on the site from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The public is invited to see and try the latest Callaway products, and the Odyssey putter line.

Featured will be the new FT9 Driver and the Diablo line of drivers and fairway woods.

There is no charge for trying out the newest in the popular line of golf equipment.

Come early, stay late, enjoy hitting some golf balls at the driving range exhibit.

For information, call Repass at 360-457-6501.

Dungeness women

The Lady Niners have begun their match play at Dungeness starting July 30 with 16 members participating.

The eight remaining players will contest their next matches during the coming week.

The entire group played a low net game, and the first division winners were June Hall and Dona Scarcia, tied with each shooting a 35.

Bonney Benson, Lyn Gilbert and Jo Hendrickson tied for second place with each shooting 37.

The putting contest was won by Jo Hendrickson with 16.

In the second division, Lindsay Busch won with a 31, Pat Charters came in second with 35 and Vernice Quigley had 37 for third place.

Lori Purser won the putting with 16.

SunLand women

The SunLand Women’s Golf Association played “Beat the Champ” on July 30.

The current SunLand champion is Linda Beatty. She shot a net 74 for the day’s competition.

The following ladies beat Linda with net scores as follows: Judy Nordyke, 69, Rose Lauritsen and Carol Goodman with 71 each, Janet Real and Gerry Fuller each with 72 and Judy Flanders with 73.

The game for next week will be “Least Putts.”

Next week SunLand will be holding its Club Championship with the women playing Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the men playing Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Ruth Lowe reports on the SunLand golfing scene and invites golfing visitors to give her a call at 360-582-0882 for information.

Dungeness champion

Betty Schoessler, from Cedars at Dungeness, reports that June Hall is the new President’s Cup champion after a tough competition with Lori Wyngert.

The first division results were Pat Schumacher, 34, and Judy Reno, 36. Second division results were Lindsay Busch with a 39.5 and Bonnie Ferris, 40.

Closest to the pin winners were Bonney Benson, first division, and Dian Woodle, second division.

First division putting champs were Schumacher and Benson, tied with 34 each.

Second division putting champ was Betty Kettel with 33. Benson had a birdie on No. 11.

Port Ludlow event

Barbara Berthiaume says all of Port Ludlow is excited about the Port Ludlow Days celebration set for Aug. 16-23.

The Community Golf Tournament is on Aug. 11. It will be a shotgun start at 1 p.m., and will be a four-person scramble.

An official handicap is not required.

The goal of the event is to have a very good time, enjoy a great golf course and help celebrate the Port Ludlow Days week-long festivities.

The cost for members is $12 pre-pay and $22 on the tournament day. For non-members, it is a $60 pre-pay and $70 on the day of the tournament.

The deadline for registering is Friday. Call 360-437-9380, and ask for Chris Whitehouse, for more information.

Peninsula women

Sandy Granger reports that the Peninsula Ladies Golf Club 18-hole players played a game of First Five and Last Four at their July 29 competition.

Cindy Schlaffman led the group with 31.5. Sharon Bugg had 32.5 for second place and Sherry Henderson and Rena Peabody tied at 36 for third place.

Meanwhile, the 9-Hole Players game was First Three and Last Two.

Boots Reidel won with 18.2 and Donna Scarcia had 19.7.

The ladies club championship was held on July 25-26. Denise Clark is the 2009 club champion.

She was in the first flight and won with a gross score of 163. Dolly Burnett was runner-up with 168.

The first flight net winner was Sherry Henderson with a 139. Second flight gross winner was Linda Bruch, 190, and the second flight net winner was Ruth Thomson, 142.

The 9-hole club champion is Dona Scarcia with a gross score of 106 while Mary Murphy is the net winner with 74.

Congratulations to all the winners! The Peninsula lady golfers meet at 9 a.m. on Wednesday mornings for their golf program.

Call Sandy Granger, 360-565-1237, for details and more information.

Keep your golf glove nice and smooth, and new looking, and remember that “Golf is an easy game, it’s just hard to play!”


Billy Sallee is the golf columnist for the Peninsula Daily News. He can be reached, when he isn’t on the golf course, at 360-582-9799 or His columns appear on Wednesdays.

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