LETTER: Residents of Clallam County

We know that many of you are now out of work, or missing a season of your favorite sport, or working longer-than-usual shifts and missing time with your loved ones.

We want to thank everyone who is stepping up to ensure our community is safe. First responders, health care workers, nonprofit leaders, transit workers, school administrators and teachers, public servants and grocery store employees: Thank you for showing up for us.

We local elected officials are working together and with state and federal officials to make sure we are doing all that we can to meet our community’s needs.

Our situation is changing rapidly and we want to ensure that our community has accurate and current information.

Clallam County, the City of Port Angeles, the City of Forks and the City of Sequim all have sections on our websites dedicated to providing up-to-date information for residents. If you need help or want to help, you will find a resource.

We know that during this time of uncertainty many of our neighbors are scared and unsure of how we will weather this storm. We are a resilient community and your elected leaders want you to know that we will continue to work together to support each other and to address whatever needs may arise.

In the meantime, if you are healthy and able-bodied please check in on neighbors who may not be. Practice and prioritize social distancing. If you feel sick, stay home. Wash your hands and sanitize surfaces often.

The residents of Clallam County impress us every day by how you show up for each other. You step in to help where help is needed, do an amazing job of working together and you share resources. Clallam County and all of its residents are strong and it is our privilege to serve you.


Kate Dexter,

Mayor of Port Angeles,

on behalf of the Port Angeles City Council

William Armacost,

Mayor of Sequim, on behalf of the Sequim City Council

Mark Ozias,

Chair of the Board of Commissioners, on behalf of the County Commissioners