PORT ANGELES — The city street department will close the Elks parking lot at First and Lincoln streets Tuesday and Wednesday as part of a project to improve the lot.
The city is working on the lot in phases, with the first step being the removal of a few trees where roots are damaging the asphalt. The other initial step is cleaning off moss from the asphalt and retaining walls, according to a press release.
The street department will work on these first steps this week, which requires closing the lot to all vehicles at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday. It will remain closed overnight, reopening at approximately 3:30 p.m. Wednesday.
The project will later include cutting out and replacing damaged sections of asphalt, improving the lighting, seal coating the lot and restriping. These tasks will be scheduled at a later date and will require a more extensive closure of the lot.
For more information, contact Eric Wheatley, streets and stormwater superintendent, at 360-417-4825 or ewheatle@cityofpa.us.