A former social worker

A former social worker

PENINSULA HOME FUND — A ‘hand-up’ as a former social worker remakes his life

EDITOR’S NOTE: For 25 years, Peninsula Daily News readers in Jefferson and Clallam counties have supported the “hand up, not a handout” Peninsula Home Fund.

Today, we feature another in a series of articles on how the fund operates and who benefits from our readers’ generosity.

More information about the Home Fund will appear Wednesday.

To donate online by credit card, click on https://secure.peninsuladailynews.com/homefund.

PORT ANGELES — As the hunter turns to the hunted and the helper becomes the helpless, so is Henry Crawford to the Peninsula Home Fund.

Crawford has a master’s degree in social welfare with 30 years’ experience working in public, private and not-for-profit agencies.

He spent 16 years as a Child Protective Services agent.

When the company he worked for in Seattle downsized, he and seven others were laid off.

“Seattle is a very expensive place to live,” he said, “and I’d been living in an expensive place.”

He had come to Seattle from San Francisco after his wife died of breast cancer.

His son and daughter were 13 and 14 when their mother died, and “it was on me to raise them and make sure they were OK.”

Today, they lead successful adult lives: His son is in San Francisco, and the daughter is in Washington, D.C.

“I did what I could, and they turned out well,” he said.

But now the game of life had thrown down a new challenge to Henry Crawford.

‘Quite humbling’

He was 63, and at that age, he feared searching for a new job in his field might be tough.

He was right.

“They were looking for fresh, new faces,” he said.

“I was being interviewed by people who didn’t have the experience I have. Quite humbling.”

The job hunt dragged on without success — and it wasn’t long before he became a man without a home.

He made his way out of Seattle and found himself in Port Angeles. He began working with counselors at Serenity House, which provides emergency shelter, transitional housing and supportive services to homeless individuals and families in Clallam County, and OlyCAP — nonprofit Olympic Community Action Programs, the No. 1 emergency-care agency in Jefferson and Clallam counties.

OlyCAP manages the Home Fund for the PDN, screens the applicants, carefully disburses the funds and provides life-changing counseling and services to those who need a “hand up, not a handout.”

Crawford found a job processing seafood, and the Home Fund bought the warm work gear and gloves he needed to work inside a freezer and $150 to allow him to move from temporary housing into an apartment.

With the move, he said, he was able to have the peace of mind that comes from living in one’s own place.

Today, Crawford works for Goodwill Industries.

The company offers worker training, jobs and education training both inside and outside its stores.

It was Goodwill that placed him for work at the Port Angeles office of WorkSource, the state program that provides employment services and training.

The job there has been a good fit.

Crawford helps prepare job-seekers’ resumes and gets applicants ready for job interviews.

He also “assists with various questions they have in terms of employment, what skills they need to have for certain employment; and I assist with various forms they need to fill out.”

He’s also gone back to school, trying a new direction — composites technology classes at Peninsula College.

“It’s different working with my hands, and I like it,” he said.

“I’d like to work with composites with a focus on aerospace and that type of technology.”

He thanks his counselors and the generous donors to the Home Fund.

“It really gave me a lift to know I wasn’t doing this by myself,” he said.

The PDN’s Peninsula Home Fund — a safety net for local residents when there is nowhere else to turn — is seeking contributions for its annual holiday season fundraising campaign that runs from Thanksgiving through Dec. 31.

From Port Townsend to Forks, from Quilcene and Brinnon to Sequim and LaPush, the Home Fund is a “hand up, not a handout” for children, teens, families and the elderly to get through an emergency situation.

Money from the Home Fund is used for hot meals for seniors in Jefferson and Clallam counties; warm winter coats for kids; home repairs for a low-income family; needed prescription drugs; dental work; safe, drug-free temporary housing; eyeglasses — the list goes on and on.

Begun in 1989, the Home Fund is supported by Jefferson and Clallam residents.

Individuals, couples, families, businesses, churches, service organizations and school groups set a record for contributions in 2012: $268,137.

With heavy demand again this year, the carefully rationed fund is being depleted rapidly.

Since Jan. 1, the Home Fund has helped more than 3,000 individuals and households.

As we move into winter, the toughest period of the year, all of the money collected in 2012 is expected to be exhausted by Dec. 31.

No money is deducted by the Peninsula Daily News for administration fees or any other overhead.

Every penny goes to OlyCAP to help the most vulnerable members of our community, from infants to families to seniors.

Peninsula Home Fund is not a welfare program.

Assistance, which usually averages less than $100, is also limited to one time in a 12-month period.

The average amount of help this year has been $69.86 per family.

But even though the dollar figures are small, the impact can be big, in huge, life-changing ways.

And, as needed, Peninsula Home Fund donations are also used in conjunction with money from churches, service clubs and other donors, enabling OlyCAP to stretch the value of the contribution.

The fund is not set up to hand out money passively.

The Home Fund staff’s most important goal is to get the individual or family through a crisis.

Whenever possible, case managers work with each individual or family to develop a plan to become financially stable — and avoid a recurrence of the emergency that prompted aid from the fund.

The goal again: “a hand up, not a handout.”

All contributions are fully IRS tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law for the year in which a check is written.

Your personal information also is kept confidential.

The PDN does not rent, sell, give or otherwise share your address or other information with anyone or make any other use of it.

Applying for a grant

To apply for a Peninsula Home Fund grant, contact one of the three OlyCAP offices:

■ OlyCAP’s Port Angeles office is at 228 W. First St., Suite J (Armory Square Mall); 360-452-4726. For Port Angeles- and Sequim-area residents.

■ Its Port Townsend office is at 823 Commerce Loop; 360-385-2571. For Jefferson County residents.

■ The Forks office is at 421 Fifth Ave.; 360-374-6193. For West End residents.

Leave a message in the voice mail box at any of the three numbers, and a Home Fund caseworker will phone you back.

OlyCAP’s website: www.olycap.org.

Email: action@olycap.org.

Geoff Crump, OlyCAP’s executive director, oversees disbursements from the Peninsula Home Fund. He can be reached at 360-385-2571 or by emailing gcrump@olypen.com.

If you have any questions about the fund, phone John Brewer, PDN editor and publisher, at 360-417-3500.

Or email jbrewer@peninsuladailynews.com.

Contributions so far

The Peninsula Daily News publishes the donation coupon and information about the fund every Sunday and Wednesday during the fundraising campaign.

While most of the money is raised between Thanksgiving and Dec. 31, the fund itself never closes.

Donations of any amount are always welcome.

Below is a list of donors whose contributions were processed between Nov. 27 and Dec. 4.

Thank you very much for making a difference in the lives — and futures — of your neighbors like Henry Crawford:

■ Robert C. Zech, Port Angeles — $100.

■ Stan Johnson, Port Angeles — $50.

■ Bob and Leola Reeve, Sequim — $200.

■ Ron and Judy Priest, Sequim — $100. In memory of Shirley Foss.

■ Kathleen Devanney, Port Townsend — $25.

■ Leila Roberts, Port Angeles — $25. In memory of Dan Roberts Sr.

■ Sam and Martha Baker, Port Angeles — $300.

■ Dave Dau, Port Angeles — $250. In honor of The Working Poor.

■ Sidra Johansen, Port Angeles — $100. In memory of Brad LaBrie.

■ Pam and John Clise, Port Townsend — $100.

■ Robert and Ruth Worley, Sequim — $5,000.

■ Sally Rodgers, Port Townsend — $25.

■ Yvonne Dillon and Daniel Zimm, Port Townsend — $100.

■ Barb Buchanan, Port Angeles — $40. In memory of Jim Buchanan. My late husband always gave to the Home Fund. He believed in the good work they do.

■ Anita and Russell Hickam, Forks — $35. In memory of Jeannette Williams, our loving mother.

■ Dianne Williams, Port Angeles — $25. In memory of Jeannette Williams, my loving sister and friend.

■ Tom and Leann Barber, Port Angeles — $1,000.

■ Ted and Fredda Burton, Port Angeles — $100.

■ Nancy and Ed Grier, Port Angeles — $125.

■ Proceeds from Andrew May’s Peninsula Daily News Garden Bus Tour to the 2013 Northwest Flower and Garden Show in Seattle — $900.

■ Bill and Karen Houghton, Sequim — $300. In memory of our mothers.

■ Gary and Shirley Haubold, Port Angeles — $25. In memory of Violet O’Dell.

■ Hank and Barbara Offermann, Port Angeles — $100.

■ Sylvia Watkins-Castillo, Sequim — $50.

■ Bill and Carol Peet, Port Angeles — $200.

■ Sue Molin, Sequim — $75. In honor of Susan Molin.

■ Brian Anders, Port Angeles — $250.

■ Kathy Cooper, Sequim — $100.

■ Just for Dolls of Washington, Port Angeles — $600. Club members raised the money by selling $1 raffle tickets for “Saige,” the 2013 American Girl Doll of the Year, at the Lavender Festival and other local venues. The Nov. 1 drawing was won by Gena Mead of Port Angeles. Another Saige doll with a wardrobe will be raffled at the club’s Feb. 1 Doll Show and Sale, “Southwest Dolly Daze.”

Many thanks also to these donors (who requested that the amount of their donation be kept private):

■ Hoch Construction Inc., Port Angeles.

■ Larry and Sandy Davidson, Sequim.

■ Sherie Maddox, Port Angeles.

■ Rick and Wendy Oak, Port Angeles.

■ Ellen and Ted Tsoneff, Port Angeles.

■ Olympic Springs Inc., Carlsborg.

■ Kerry and Marilyn Perkins, Port Angeles. In memory of Jeannie Rawley.

■ John and Rosemary Forster, Port Angeles.

■ John Silver and Lois Bellamy, Port Angeles. In memory of our parents.

■ Paul and Donna Downes, Port Angeles.

■ Ronald and Jeri Hight, Sequim.

■ Gary and Jan Holmquist, Port Angeles. In memory of our son, Danny Holmquist.

■ Joe and Naomi Denhart, Port Angeles. In loving memory of our parents.

■ Lucille Caughron, Sequim. In memory of Leonard Caughron.

■ Eldora Pederson, Port Angeles.

■ John and Nancy Jost, Sequim.

■ Herb and Marolyn Russell, Port Angeles. In memory of Will Muller.

■ M.L. Mansfield, Sequim.

■ Sue and C.V. Tondreau, Sequim.

■ Marilyn Bruning, Sequim.

■ Steve and Weezie, Port Townsend.

■ Sandra and David Marsh, Sequim.

■ Kathleen Balducci, Port Angeles. In memory of Bal and my parents, Dale and Betty Owen.

■ Chris Minard, Carlsborg. In honor of Barbara Minard.

■ Carolyn Muller, Port Angeles. In memory of Will Muller.

■ Paul Forrest and Gail McDonald, Port Angeles.

■ James Jackson, Port Angeles. In memory of Ralph and Elizabeth Jackson.

■ Larry and Marilyn Elliott, Sequim.

■ Peter and Karen Bulkeley, Sequim.

■ Clair and Marge Paschal, Port Hadlock.

■ Richard and Karen Grennan, Sequim. In loving memory of Mom, Aunt Helen, Gail, Ruthie and Sydney.

■ McKeever, Sequim.

■ Cynthia Spawn, Port Angeles.

■ Ed and Phyllis Hopfner, Port Angeles.

■ John and Dee McHenry, Port Angeles. In memory of Oma and Granny.

■ Florence Chamberlain, Port Angeles.

■ Jim and Marci Thomsen, Port Angeles. In honor of our special friends, who are so greatly appreciated.

■ Mark McCormick and Bob Fletcher, Sequim. In honor of Mom and Dad Fletcher and Mom and Dad McCormick.

■ Linda Whitehouse, Port Angeles. In memory of William A. Whitehouse.

■ Darlene and Michael Clemens, Port Angeles.

■ Richard and Beverly Howe, Sequim.

■ Karen Gates, Port Angeles. In memory of my husband, Tommy Gates; my mother, Dyrene Coburn; and my brother, Jim Coburn, all of whom died in 2013.

■ Donna Brown, Port Angeles. In honor of Willene Racle.

■ Neil and Jaqueline Eklund, Sequim.

■ Rosemary Cockrill, Port Angeles.

■ Dana and Carol L. Martell, Port Angeles. In honor of Eleanor Martell.

■ Donna M. Spalding, Sequim. In memory of Earl Spalding.

■ Dan and Eve Farrell, Port Angeles.

■ Dr. Joseph Cress and Elaine M. Peaslee, Sequim. In memory of Jenny Cress.

■ Paul Roess and Mary Coté, Port Angeles.

■ Jim and Jane Ratliff, Sequim.

■ Brad and Nancy Anseth, Sequim.

■ Mike’s Cedar Works (Mike and Pamela Caldwell), Port Angeles. In honor of the good people of Port Angeles.

■ Dick and Dottie Foster, Port Angeles.

■ Diane Wheeler, Port Angeles.

■ Larry and Lynn Gosser, Port Angeles.

■ Bonnee Zander, Puyallup. In honor of Rebecca Zander.

■ John and Cynthia Austin, Port Ludlow. In honor of Jefferson Land Trust.

■ Gunther and Lee Dohse, Chimacum.

■ David and Lisa Bednarski, Snohomish. In memory of Ronald Bednarski.

■ Willard and Paula Baker, Sequim. In memory of Tom Baker.

■ Marie Botnen, Sequim. In memory of Nadene Botnen.

■ Maria E. Mendes, Port Townsend.

■ Richard S. Seaman, Port Angeles.

■ Tom and Judie Sharpe, Port Angeles.

■ Voneda Stiewe, Chimacum.

■ Brando and Christina Blore, Port Angeles.

■ Dee and Garry Kispert, Sequim. To honor the marriage of Julie Callahan and Richard Tarbuck on Nov. 29. Best wishes!

■ Jay and Alicia Crawford, Sequim.

■ Sandra and Russell Hesselman, Port Angeles. In memory of Scott Hesselman.

■ Homer and Karla Muto, Port Angeles.

■ Sandra and Anthony Lier, Port Angeles. In honor of Rogue.

■ Robert Sheridan, Sequim.

■ John and Phyllis Kendall, Port Angeles. In memory of Graham Reaves.

■ Doug and Trudy Rittenhouse, Port Angeles.

■ Ruth Lund, Port Angeles.

■ Viki Kocha, Sequim.

■ Virginia Woolf, Carlsborg.

■ Fred and Carol Royce, Port Angeles.

■ Dale and Carol Warner, Port Angeles. In memory of Sara Garcia and Violet O’Dell.

■ JoAnne Hughes, Port Angeles.

■ Al and Jean Slaight, Sequim.

■ Jill Blake, Sequim.

■ Jean and Gene Spargo, Sequim.

■ Edward and Virginia Porter, Port Ludlow.

■ Merle Broderick, Port Angeles. In memory of C.A. Broderick.

■ Ron and Marilyn Carlson, Sequim.

■ Teddy Gaskill, Port Angeles. In memory of William.

■ K and L Haugland, Port Angeles.

■ Gene and Ann Trelstad, Port Angeles.

■ Norman and Anita Moran, Port Ludlow.

■ Marjorie Faires, Port Angeles.

■ Juliette Harris, Port Angeles.

■ Inge Magrs, Sequim. In memory of Bill Magrs.

■ Velma Winters, Port Angeles. In memory of Harold Winters and Robert Springfield.

■ Robert and Susan Erzen, Sequim.

■ Joanne Eagan, Port Angeles. In memory of Jo Mar Lin Ru.

■ Charlotte Patterson, Port Angeles. In memory of Ken Patterson, my true love, who firmly believed everyone should give a hand up to those less fortunate.

■ Fred and Ann Weinmann, Port Townsend.

■ D. Jean Lodeen, Port Angeles.

■ Lillian Green, Port Angeles. In memory of Harold Green.

■ Eleanor A. Thornton, Forks. In memory of Floyd M. Thornton, whose birthday was Dec. 25.

■ Dorothea Morgan, Port Angeles. Peninsula Daily News Home Fund idea is great!

■ Richard and Gladys Dexter, Port Angeles.

■ Wesley and Lynda Stevens, Sequim.

■ Cheryl and Jim Coulter, Sequim.

■ Eleanor and Andy Geiger, Port Angeles.

■ Penny L. Ervin, Port Angeles. In memory of Carole Cudd.

■ Mark and Patty Hannah, Port Angeles.

■ Lee Raymond, Sequim. In honor of Margie.

■ Mary James, Port Angeles. In memory of Louise Spawn.

■ Barbara Schroeter, Port Angeles. In memory of Auther and Larry Dondlinger.

■ Roy and Pat Jones, Port Angeles. In memory of Bob Steele.

■ Ron Hayes and Melinda Bryden, Port Townsend. In memory of Blanche Carter.

■ Gary Johnson, Port Angeles.

■ Samuel Shusterman, Port Townsend. In honor of Linda McKenzie. Thank you for all the effort and love you have put into “Just Soup,” providing nourishment and growing community in Port Townsend. You have made “Just Soup” so much more than a warm meal.

■ Samuel Shusterman, Port Townsend. In memory of Frances P. Shusterman.

■ Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Santos, Sequim.

■ Beth Mackey, Port Townsend. In honor of Lois Haynes.

■ Charlie Byrd, Sequim. In memory of Karen Byrd.

■ Roy Wilson, Sequim. In memory of Liesje Wilson.

■ Al and Barbara Deese, Port Angeles. In memory of Ann Holke.

■ Diane Kaufman, Port Angeles.

■ Quail Hollow Psychotherapy PLLC, Sequim.

■ Julie and Kelly Fisher, Port Angeles.

■ Bob and Catherine Kapp, Port Townsend.

■ Dr. Judy M. Price and Dr. Joseph L. Price, Sequim.

■ Chris and Valerie Mohr, Sekiu. In memory of Harold Van Riper.

■ Marvin and Carolyn Morillo, Port Angeles.

■ Randi and Heather Hansen, Port Angeles. In memory of the three “P’s”: Pat, Polly, and Phyllis! They live on in our hearts.

■ Ken and Mary Campbell, Port Angeles.

■ Penny Brewer, Sequim. In memory of David Brewer, forever in my heart.

■ Edna and James Kridler, Sequim.

■ James Symes, Sequim.

■ AMS Audio Enterprises Inc., Sequim.

Many thanks also to these donors (who requested anonymity):

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Port Ludlow — $25.

■ Port Angeles — $100. In memory of Joseph E. Jameson.

■ Port Townsend — $100. In memory of my husband.

■ Sequim — $100. In memory of Vergil Warren.

■ Sequim — $100. In memory of Ruthella G. Potter.

■ Sequim — $100. In memory of Carolyn Gill.

■ Port Ludlow — $25.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Sequim — $500.

■ Port Angeles — $500.

■ Sequim — $2,000.

■ Sequim — $1,000.

■ Port Angeles — $200.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Nordland — $20.

■ Sequim — $300.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Carlsborg — $100. In memory of my loving husband.

■ Port Angeles — $150.

■ Sequim — $1,200.

■ Port Angeles — $200.

■ Sequim — $25.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Sequim — $20.

■ Sequim — $200.

■ Port Angeles — $1,000.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Port Townsend — $30. Bless you all for all of your hard work for the fund. Happy holidays.

■ Port Angeles — $100.

■ Port Angeles — $200.

■ Port Angeles — $400. In memory of Jack and Bal.

■ Port Angeles — $50.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Port Angeles — $100.

■ Sequim — $700.

■ Sequim — $20.

■ Sequim — $200.

■ Sequim — $10.

■ Port Ludlow — $200.

■ Port Angeles — $200.

■ Port Townsend — $50. In honor of Ruth Gordon.

■ Port Angeles — $110. In honor of Vasili Arkhipov. Thank you for the last 51 years.

■ Port Angeles — $250.

■ Sequim — $50.

■ Sequim — $200.

■ Cedar Falls, Iowa — $100. In memory of Donald Wildman.

■ Sequim — $100.

■ Port Angeles — $25.

■ Port Angeles — $100.

■ Port Angeles — $500. In honor of Kathy Wahto.

■ Sequim — $125.

■ Sequim — $75.

■ Sequim — $150. In honor of Mark and Nancy Bowman. You are a continuous inspiration of giving and caring for others. May your upcoming journey be a blessing for you and those you meet.

■ Port Townsend — $40. In honor of Piper.

■ Sequim — $100. In memory of Mary and Deward Arnold.

■ Port Angeles — $80.


HANDWRITING CAN BE hard to decipher at times.

Please report any errors in this list to John Brewer, 360-417-3500 (there’s voice mail if he’s away), or email him at jbrewer@peninsuladailynews.com.

We’ll rerun the listing correctly.

Our sincerest appreciation again to our donors.

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