PORT ANGELES — A notoriously winding stretch of U.S. Highway 101 received a safety improvement Wednesday.
The state Department of Transportation followed through on its plan to install a series of plastic traffic safety posts, or “wands,”‘ along the Morse Creek “S” curve that was the scene of a triple-fatal collision in August.
The next step is to install lights on road signs and the quick fix will be complete, said Lloyd Brown, spokesman for the department.
Brown said he didn’t know when the sign lights would be in place.
“It’s in the process,” he said.
Crews also laid down reflective tape down the centerline.
“To light it up a little bit between the wands,” Brown said.
The project was the least expensive of the fixes the department proposed to the Highway 101 Safety Project Steering Committee in September.
The project cost between $20,000 and $30,000, and came out of the department’s budget, Brown said.