PORT ANGELES — Young people ages 5 to 19 who would like to compete in 4-H activities at the Clallam County Fair have until Thursday to enroll in the program.
There is a $35 annual fee to join 4-H. However, Clallam County Extension offers no-questions-asked financial assistance to anyone who requests it.
Applicants just need to choose “pay by check” when they enroll on the Extension website at extension.wsu.edu/clallam/4h/join-2. They should then email Clallam County 4-H program coordinator Melanie Greer at melanie.greer@wsu.edu for further instructions.
Even if a person misses the deadline, Greer said, there are still opportunities to participate in non-competitive 4-H fair activities such as assisting volunteers, helping decorate barns and buildings, and taking part in educational demonstrations.
This year’s fair will take place Aug. 17-20.
Greer said membership is slowly rebounding after it plummeted during the COVID-19 pandemic. About 140 youths are currently enrolled, which is 30 more than last year but still below the pre-pandemic enrollment of 180.
Greer said the primary challenge to rebuilding 4-H has been a lack of adult volunteers who mentor members and help them develop their skills.
“There are more kids than there is capacity in clubs,” Greer said.
Volunteers are particularly needed in the dog, cat, horse and family living (cooking, sewing, knitting, crocheting) programs, Greer said.
Those with experience or expertise in other areas are also encouraged to become volunteers.
While 4-H is commonly associated with agriculture and domestic sciences, it also has programs in robotics, filmmaking, civic engagement and service and forestry — just about any interest area is supported.
There is no cost to become a volunteer, and you don’t need to have a child in 4-H to be one.
Information about joining 4-H can be found at extension.wsu.edu/clallam/4h/join-2.
Information about becoming a 4-H volunteer can be found at tinyurl.com/mxtxp39f.
Or contact Melanie Greer at 360-912-2062 or melanie.greer@wsu.edu.
Reporter Paula Hunt can be reached at paula.hunt@soundpublishing.com.