Port Angeles’ Reegan Pare, 14, throws her lasso over the steer’s horns in the team roping event at the Peninsula Junior Rodeo in August. (Photo by George Campbell)

Port Angeles’ Reegan Pare, 14, throws her lasso over the steer’s horns in the team roping event at the Peninsula Junior Rodeo in August. (Photo by George Campbell)

HORSEPLAY: Peninsula youth take to arenas this summer

WELL, CHUTE DOGGITY Dog! I just couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw such tiny tots competing in calf riding — including a girl — at the Peninsula Junior Rodeo last month. Held at the Clallam County Fairgrounds, it was Olivia Fair from Kingston who won the Calf Riding competition by staying on more than three seconds longer than the mandatory four seconds it takes to win points in the Pee Wee division. She said she stayed on longer simply because she didn’t hear the buzzer sound at the four-second mark.

While he didn’t win, her local calf-riding competitor during the season, Donnie Fors, did well, and certainly had a large crowd cheering for him at the rodeo. I look forward to seeing them compete against each other in the coming years, perhaps even in the 16-18 age division for the Junior World Finals in Las Vegas.

And just how well did the first Peninsula Junior Rodeo since 2017 fair? Thanks to the hard work of a core of parents, the newly revived rodeo attracted more than 165 contestants from across the state.

That’s a large number considering the Northwest Junior Rodeo Association (NJRA) (PJRA is a chapter) has about 200 members, ages 2-18, of young athletes competing in sanctioned rodeos throughout Western Washington. Subtract the 30 local members in PJRA, that leaves 138 contestants and their families who traveled across the Hood Canal Bridge to compete in the PA rodeo.

The livestock contractor for the rodeo was Jimmy Barrett of Barrett Cattle Company.

“I heard Jimmy say, from a stock standpoint, the PA rodeo was the biggest Junior Rodeo of the year,” said PJRA coach Pat Pare (father to contestants Reegan, 14, and Sloan, 11, and a local farrier).

“It couldn’t have taken place without the community’s support and sponsorships,” said Jennifer Coyle-Bond, PJRA secretary. Her daughter Lillian competes in the senior division.

PJRA is grateful to Hermann Brothers for its title sponsorship and numerous local businesses that sponsored individual events, enabling the group to offer more than 30 silver belt buckles and four saddles as prizes.

Coyle-Bond said when the PJRA resumed practices two years ago at the fairgrounds, they decided to offer rough stock riding, such as calf and steer riding, bull dogging, roping and goat events to increase interest and participation — and “that’s really been a draw for many area youths,” she said. “To my knowledge, we’re the only junior rodeo association in the state who offers practices with livestock.”


PJRA President Joe Fors said the 30 local members have grown tremendously this year. Of them, 11 kids placed in the top six of their respective events during the regular season to earn a spot in the Northwest Junior Rodeo Association’s year-end finals.

Then, at the Finals Rodeo, each one of them placed in their events, but official year-end results have not yet been finalized. They will all receive awards and accolades for their success at the NJRA Awards Banquet in February.

PJR youths who placed in the top six in their events at the Clallam Fairgrounds and made the Northwest Junior Rodeo Association (NJRA) finals were Kenzie Fors, 12, Henry Fors, 10, Donnie Fors, 8, Kinley Konopaski, 9, Harper Konopaski, 5, Reegan Pare, 14, Sloan Pare, 11, Connor Mead, 15, Cole Anderson, 14, Skylar Burgett, 11, and Zoey Fleming, 15. Not PJRA members but competing from Sequim were Asha Swanberg, 15, and Libby Swanberg, 17.

“I am extremely proud of all of these kids, not just because of their success, but because they are respectful, talented, and hard-working,” said Joe Fors, who, as the father of three active children in PJRA —Kenzie, Henry and Donnie — said he particularly enjoys seeing how junior rodeo brings families closer and is a confidence builder for youths.

“It is a joy and an honor to work with them and watch them grow into exceptional young adults. Our community is blessed to have them.”

PJRA is for boys and girls ages 19 and younger. That’s right, even your toddler can compete in some fun events just for your little Buckaroo ages 5 and younger. The Pee Wee division is ages 5-8, junior ages 9-13 and at 14 they join the senior division.

“We’re just really excited to have brought the junior rodeo back to Port Angeles, because it’s an opportunity for local kids who can’t travel to other areas in the state to take part in a rodeo,” Coyle-Bond said. “A lot of the families who helped out running this rodeo originally joined because they wanted to bring their kids down to practice to learn a little bit more about what rodeo was, and then they got hooked — and now they’re super helpful.

“We’re looking forward to bringing the rodeo back year after year, and we’re always looking for other youths who want to learn more about competing in rodeo, and to join us.”

For more information, view the Peninsula Junior Rodeo Association’s Facebook page, e-mail peninsulajuniorrodeo@gmail.com, or phone Coyle-Bond at 360-461-9588.

Be sure to check out photographer George Campbell’s Facebook page to view a series of outstanding junior rodeo contestants’ photos

• At 9 a.m. Sept. 22, there will be a game show fundraiser at the Crosby’s arena, 122 Franson Road in Agnew. The cost is $40 for the day. Raffle. Borderline Benefit Game Show “Ride for the Red, White & Blue.” Contact Tanya Duerr at 360-460-1681. Peewee riders get a prize after each run. High point and reserve high point for each age group

• Sept. 28. OPEN will host a saddle fitting clinic plus tack sale. Tack sale will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Check out its large supply of saddles, bridles, halters, blankets, buckets, equipment, brushes, tank heaters and more. Saddle Fitting will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Contact OPEN for a saddle fitting appointment. Bring your horse for a personal fitting and consultation with Helga. $50 (that’s 40 percent off her standard barn visit). Audit the clinic for $15. All proceeds benefit the care of horses at OPEN, 251 Roupe Road in Sequim. Contact 360-207-1688 (message line) or email Olympic equinenet@gmail.com

• At 6 p.m. Sept. 30, the Sequim equestrian team will have its initial meeting and team signups for this year’s Washington High School Equestrian Team at Freedom Farm, 493 Spring Road, Agnew. “We are getting ready for another fun season of WAHSET and hoping to recruit new members,” said coach Misty Gilbertson. For more information, call 360-460-5311.


Karen Griffiths’ column, Peninsula Horseplay, appears the second and fourth Saturday of each month.

If you have a horse event, clinic or seminar you would like listed, please email Griffiths at kbg@olympus.net at least two weeks in advance. You can also call her at 360-460-6299.

Competing at the Peninsula Junior Rodeo were Slone Pare, 11, left, with Western games instructor Ady Crosby, and Skylar Burgett, 11. (Karen Griffiths/For Peninsula Daily News)

Competing at the Peninsula Junior Rodeo were Slone Pare, 11, left, with Western games instructor Ady Crosby, and Skylar Burgett, 11. (Karen Griffiths/For Peninsula Daily News)

Right out of the chute, Port Angeles’ Donnie Fors, 8, showed he has what it takes — one hand in the air, the other on the rope; his tiny hips moving in rhythm and harmony with the calf’s bucking — to impress the judges during his four-second calf ride (with dad Joe cheering him on) at the Peninsula Junior Rodeo in August. (Photo by George Campbell)

Right out of the chute, Port Angeles’ Donnie Fors, 8, showed he has what it takes — one hand in the air, the other on the rope; his tiny hips moving in rhythm and harmony with the calf’s bucking — to impress the judges during his four-second calf ride (with dad Joe cheering him on) at the Peninsula Junior Rodeo in August. (Photo by George Campbell)

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