Shindler: Religious reason for not supporting Trump

Jesus and Trump

I write this on Christmas Eve.

I hope that by the time it is read, there is still some of the spirit of the season where we commemorate Jesus.

It was heartening to finally see a publication as prominent as “Christianity Today” choosing Jesus over President Donald Trump, and equally disheartening to see the fundamentalist Christian power structure reiterating their support for Trump.

Their defense is that “we’re all sinners,” and that’s true.

But to defend one who is proud of the fact that he never apologizes or seeks forgiveness for any of his behavior is not mercy, it is enabling, and being an accomplice.

As he leads with an example of arrogance and division, and policies of cruelty to the weakest in society, I can think of no other individual since Hitler who has turned so many Christians away from the teachings of the one who said “Blessed are the meek…” and ”…as you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers, you did it to me.”

And although Jesus foretold that many terrible things would be done in his name, it still feels tragic to watch it happening before our eyes.

Not only could Trump murder someone in broad daylight and keep his supporters, but it appears he could probably sentence Jesus to crucifixion with the same result.

There are many reasons to support Donald Trump, but being a follower of Jesus is not one of them.

So today the inn that turns Mary and Joseph away looks like a Trump hotel.

Tom Shindler

Port Angeles