LETTER:Supports Major

I would like to express my support for Jesse Major in his campaign for director of the Clallam County Department of Community Development.

Jesse has been in the trenches, working with community members across the board for several years now.

In his role as code enforcement officer, he worked with families to aid in meeting their problems with compliance of the current laws.

He understands the regulations and how they work, or don’t work, for our community and what steps need to be taken that will benefit everyone.

As a former newspaper reporter, he is in tune with the issues in our community and across the county.

He has fresh eyes and can see things from all perspectives.

He relates well to people and really listens to concerns to find solutions to the barriers to improvements.

He understands the complexities in enforcing code regulations and has a vision to prioritize the largest threats to public health and safety while working with others in violation due to circumstance.

He has a vision to not only help clean up our community, but to also offer solid solutions to the housing shortage across the county.

Finally, as a young man with an eye to the future, he is looking out for not only our current situation, but what can be done for the long-term improvement of Clallam County.

It’s time for a change, for a new perspective, and to support a candidate with ties to the community with an eye for the best future, for all of us.

Sally Rowland

Port Angeles