LETTERS: Armed citizens can best combat mass shootings

My heart mourns for the victims of the latest mass murder tragedies.

And my sympathies go out to the victims’ families.

Once again sadly, the progressive, liberal left-wing establishment is dancing in the blood of the victims and calling for more gun control, thinking that is the solution.

Gun control has failed so we need more gun control.

In words often accredited to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

The liberals want to enact enhanced background checks, establish more gun-free zones, ban assault weapons that they’re not able to define, limit high-capacity magazines to some arbitrary number that only they know why and enact red flag laws that are a constitutional disaster.

They just want the killings to stop.

Everybody does.

Banning commonly owned rifles won’t do it.

Even if every gun, of all types, suddenly disappeared, the killings wouldn’t stop.

Evil doesn’t care about laws.

Ron Nobles, formerly Interpol secretary general, commented on al-Shabab’s attack at a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya, back in 2013 killing 67 people, saying the best way to combat mass murderers is to arm the citizenry.

Lame-stream media apparently didn’t sensationalize it, not in the U.S., so it didn’t fit into their biased agenda.

That seems to be a viable solution.

The best way to combat active shooters is to shoot back, by lawfully armed citizens to stop them and save lives.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Roger M. Foszcz,

Port Angeles