LETTER:Much progress made

Pat Buchanan (“Is diversity democracy’s downfall?” PDN, June 1) is at it again, still steering by his rearview mirror.

In past columns, he proclaimed the end of globalism as if the pandemic, the U.S. dollar and global warming didn’t exist.

He extolled the virtues of nationalism without acknowledging that Nazi extremism was among many violent examples.

Now he comes with a diatribe on diversity, as though it is a threat, and uses such lines as “And their destiny may be to replace us.”

That is a line almost copied from the white supremacist’s ranting in Charlottesville.

Such fear-mongering belies the progress the U.S. has made.

Where I grew up, Catholics were more of a concern than African Americans.

He gives a clue to his own thinking when stating “America was almost 90 percent white in 1960.”

Look forward, Pat.

Change is difficult.

The progress we have made in accepting all people without regard to race, religion or origin stands as testimony to the strength of our commitment to “all people are created equal.”

You might explore why “tens of millions from all over the world still see coming to America as the realization of a life’s dream” at the same time that thousands of so-called patriots storm the capitol attacking the very basis of democracy.

Paul Wessel
