LETTER: Who to blame for anti-5G false information? Russians

A recent article in the New York Times convincingly asserts that the effort to label 5G wireless technology as a threat to human health is not only bogus but is being supported by the same Russian forces that worked to undermine the 2016 presidential election.

The article, titled “Your 5G phone won’t hurt you. But Russia wants you to think otherwise,” describes the efforts of the Russian network RT America to undermine support for the advanced technology, something they had previously attempted to do regarding vaccinations and Hilary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.

RT is closely tied to the Russian government and to Russian President Vladimir Putin (who, it should be noted, is vigorously pushing for expansion of 5G in Russia).

RT spreads its news through cable, satellite and online streaming along with posts on Facebook and videos on YouTube.

It has been described as Russia’s principal international propaganda outlet.

It plants seeds that, they hope, will foster confusion and dissent, which has certainly happened locally regarding both 5G and smart power meters.

There are real threats to our health and well-being; it’s crucial that we don’t become distracted by false science.

Craig Whalley,

Port Angeles