LETTER: Waste not want not with vegetables

I’ve long wondered how much the leaves of the cauliflowers I bought weighed and how much extra they cost me.

Last night, I decided to find out.

I cut off all of the leaves and the stalk that they were attached to, got out my digital scale and weighed them.

I then weighed the remaining head of florets.

The head weighed 16.04 ounces, while the leaves and stalk weighed 9.84 ounces for a total weight of 25.88 ounces.

Using my computer calculator, I found that the leaves were just over 38 percent of the total weight.

If I bought the head at $1.99 per pound, the total cost was $3.22, of which the leaves cost $1.22.

I recently learned something about broccoli that I never knew: You should cut up the stalk and cook and eat it.

I found this out while cooking frozen stir-fry vegetables from a local store.

While there were broccoli florets, there were also quite a few chunks of broccoli stem.

I’ll be making better use of my fresh broccoli from now on.

Thomas See,

Port Angeles