LETTER: Vote and bring back Big Band music

This past September I turned 79.

During all those years I have seen a lot of changes in my country and I don’t really like all of them.

There were no television, cellphones or computers when I was young.

High school sports were attended by every kid in school.

At the last Port Angeles High School basketball game I attended, very few students were there.

Rock and roll music has replaced the big bands and is played so loud that you can’t understand the words.

We elect sex offenders and criminals to represent us in Washington, D.C., including the president.

Congress has passed a new tax bill which will increase the deficit another trillion plus dollars over ten years, give tax breaks to the rich and we are letting it happen.

It’s too bad that many of our best people choose not to run for office, so those who are unqualified or dishonest get elected.

So what is the point of my letter?

We must, in the future, pay more attention to who the candidates are and what they stand for.

Let’s not forget that the laws they pass affect us all and some officials are people who would not pass a Walmart employee screening test.

Since the World War II ended we have gone to war for no reason at all.

From Vietnam to Iraq our young boys have been killed or wounded because our government believes that we are the savior of the world.

For the most part we should mind our own business.

Oh, and one more thing, vote and bring back big band music.

Larry Harwood,

Port Angeles