I read the Aug. 3 letter in Peninsula Voices from the Trump supporter [“Get over it”] telling all the people who didn’t vote for Donald Trump to get over it and face up to the fact that the election was lost and be supportive of him.
Well, I have some news for her.
We have gotten over it.
Perhaps we should ask her to get over the fact that Trump won.
Does she have some unconscious urge to constantly gloat over the fact that her candidate won?
The election was more than 8½ months ago, yet we are still constantly bombarded by Trump supporters howling that we should get over the fact that Trump won and we should be supportive of the new president.
I have a couple of questions for the letter writer:
How long was it before she got over the fact that Barack Obama won in two landslide victories?
And how long was it before she was supportive of him (if ever)?
Alan Cummings,
Port Angeles