LETTER: Third party

Our Congress was intended to be a negotiating body of representatives searching for what the majority of all the people want.

Now it has become two competing teams that consider any victory for the other side as being something to block.

A congressional majority of one of the two parties is required to get anything done, and their goals will be those of one side or the other, never the center.

With only two parties, choice is limited to either right or left of center.

We badly need a third party that is a mix of the center of our two current choices.

Then, the extreme fringes would not have undue influence on the party in power.

Creating a party for those of us in the middle will be hard because the two parties in charge now will not want to give up any power.

Votes for a minor party with a moderate view will be the only way we can force them to move toward the real majority.

It will not be throwing your vote away, it will be forcing them to listen to the real majority.

Gerald Carpenter
