LETTER: The choice is in supporting vs. not supporting violence of abortion

St. Teresa of Calcutta [Kolkata] said, “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”

This woman chose to care for the poor and sick, yet she still had room in her heart to defend the child in the womb.

We who oppose abortion choose to value humans from conception to natural death not only by word but by deed.

When slavery was legal, abolitionists chose to view slaves as fully human, while slave owners perceived then as property with a price tag.

If these humans didn’t produce, they had no value and could be tortured and murdered.

The abortion industry labels assorted unborn babies as “products of conception,” according to the World Health Organization’s Clinical Practice Handbook for Safe Abortion.

Cecile Richards made $957,952.00 in 2014 as CEO of Planned Parenthood, according to The Daily Caller.

They are our nation’s largest single provider of abortions and aborted more than 300,000 unborn babies in 2014, according to the organization.

Whether called pro-life, pro-abortion or pro-choice, none of us is “anti-choice,” as the writer of the March 30 letter in Peninsula Voices, “Anti-choice critic,” mistakenly labels her opposition.

Throughout history, people have had a choice to be humane or inhumane.

Except one: “the unborn child in the womb.”

We have a choice to support or not support the business and violence of abortion.

Everyone who is pro-abortion should have to look at an aborted unborn baby and see the atrocity our society has tolerated.

I had an abortion as a 19-year-old.

I know the reality of abortion for not only the child but for women.

Kathy Gonzales,

Port Angeles

EDITOR’S NOTE: Gonzales is the Western Washington coordinator of Silent No More.