LETTER: President Trump has ruined our nation

From Port Angeles

Donald Trump, along with his Republican enablers, has laid waste to this nation.

He’s made politics into a zero-sum game where the goal of Republicans is to vanquish the opposition rather than work to solve the nation’s problems.

He’s sown hatred, division and chaos among the American people rather than encouraging us to work together on a greater vision.

He’s abandoned America’s role on the world stage of shining a beacon of democracy and mutual support for peace, justice and prosperity.

He’s created crises every day of his Presidency and then failed to confront the one real crisis that came his way, resulting in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and a collapsed economy.

He’s set an example of behavior that flies in the face of every quality that parents and teachers try to instill in their own children.

He’s denied the existence of a real, factual world, in favor of a web of denial and conspiracy theories.

He has demeaned in every way the most powerful office on earth.

This is as critical an election as we’re going to see in our lifetimes.

Hopefully, we will get back to the task of building a more perfect union after Trump and his minions go down in defeat.

But repairing the rancor and polarization they will leave behind will require an extraordinary clarity of purpose.

In the words of Lincoln: “malice toward none…charity for all…firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right…to bind up the nation’s wounds.”


Ed Chadd

Port Angeles