LETTER: President ‘doth protest too much’

This letter is in response to the letter “Real Danger” (PDN, Feb. 9) that was a response to a letter “Under Attack” in the PDN on Jan. 26.

The writer refutes the intended warning of the Trump administration’s assault on our democratic values and constitution.

He goes on to compare the Democratic Party’s “ideological dogma” to the socialism of Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong.

Here are some inconvenient facts.

Not since 1866 has an American political party effectively denied a sitting president a Senate review or vote on his choice of a highly qualified nominee for a Supreme Court position (Merrick Garland).

Our sitting president has threatened to jail his political opponent (a first).

Our president has attacked and impugned our government’s institutions including Congress, the defense intelligence community, the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

He has installed the most incompetent cabinet in history in which the missions the departments are tasked to carry out are under assault.

The State Department has been gutted of its expertise.

He has labeled the mainstream media as “the enemy of the people,” according to media accounts.

Sound familiar?

We don’t yet know what the special counsel will find in regards to the Russian investigation, possible collusion and obstruction of justice on the part of the administration and the president, but the mounting evidence does not look good.

To quote Shakespeare, “Methinks he doth protest too much.”

I agree with the writer on one point.

American voters should be very careful.

Bart Kavruck,

Port Townsend