LETTER: More reasons some readers dislike Malkin

From the first sentence of the letter “Heat in the kitchen” (PDN, May 2) response about “the liberals” who don’t care for the tone or content of Michelle Malkin’s column, we can give an answer.

By name calling and partisan rhetoric (“left wing, socialist”) the letter immediately alienates anyone who wants to have an intelligent conversation or debate over the merits of wasting print space on Malkin.

It is not that “liberals” can’t “take the heat” of the column, it is that they can’t stand the muckraking, prevarication, name calling and constantly negative tone of her screeds.

I am all for having an actual conservative voice that is not just lip syncing Kelly Anne, Limbaugh, Hannity and other “fake news pundits” whose only agenda is to obfuscate, slander and alienate.

Yes, you have a right in this country to spout your beliefs that the earth is flat, global warming doesn’t exist, Elvis is still alive, that slavery and the Holocaust never happened, and that you can be a real Christian and still support the KKK and their “liar in chief.”

The rest of us just don’t want to pay to read this drivel, much less have our local paper support someone who actually believes it.

Just at least get a real, thinking columnist who sticks to actual facts and knows the rules of honorable debate, not a “soap box pundit” who throws tantrums and relies on ad hominem attacks for her daily bread.

Christopher Wright,

Port Angeles