LETTER: Letter confirms opinion of Trump supporters as ‘useful idiots’

In my opinion, a writer’s letter on April 23 confirmed another writer’s case that Trump voters are “useful idiots” through their continuous repetition of Grand Old Party 2016 campaign propaganda, including:

1. The exhausted, over-investigated Hillary/Benghazi issue.

2. The complaints about the Affordable Healthcare Act (also known as Obamacare) which was actually a congressional compromise. While far from perfect, helped several million obtain insurance.

3. The complaint about the Obama administration disclosing troop withdrawals from Iraq while the writer simultaneously ignores mentioning the thousands of deaths and injuries from Bush junior’s drummed-up “weapons-of-mass-destruction” Iraq War in the first place (not to mention, Obama inheriting the financial collapse at the end of Bush junior’s reign).

4. The claim “progressive liberals” have “belittled” police with their concerns over racial profiling and shooting of unarmed minorities while the writer fails to mention the GOP’s contribution to violence and crime with their do-nothing-about-gun-violence-but-suck-up-to-the-National Rifle Association.

5. On top of all this, the writer’s claim Obama was a liar when almost every other day President Trump tweets and spouts untruths, offends people and embarrasses the country on an international level.

Cheryl Nash,

Port Angeles