LETTER: Let’s finally put an end to muffler-lacking vehicles

Recently, while I was waiting at a bus stop downtown, a car drove by making such excessive noise that it could not have had a muffler system.

I have a military-related hearing disability, and when I say it was loud, it was really loud.

According to the police department, there are two kinds of violators involved.

First, there are those having economic difficulties, and I can sympathize with them and want them to have a warning and a direction to get their car fixed — or not drive.

The second kind of violators are those so insecure they need to draw attention to themselves by abusing our mutual environment.

These should be fined so much that they feel it is very expensive to flout the norms of civilized behavior.

I invite all who agree with me to contact this newspaper, the City Council and the police to urge an end to cars without mufflers.

Allan J. Harrison,

Port Angeles