LETTER: Jill Stein the only presidential candidate who’d help save our Earth

A letter to the editor published Thursday, “For Jill Stein,” was a clearly written summary of the 2016 Democratic presidential campaign.

Letter-writer Therese “Tree” Stokan of Neah Bay makes the case for Stein.

If Stein receives 5 percent of the vote this election cycle, funding would open up for another choice in 2020.

A Stein vote would not affect a probable landslide victory for Clinton, especially since Washington is not a battleground state.

Clinton, “the progressive who gets things done,” has support from Gov. Jay Inslee, Sen. Patty Murray, and Congressman Derek Kilmer, all Democratic superdelegates who stood with Clinton after the March 26 Washington state Democratic caucuses, despite the strong voices of their party’s constituents favoring Bernie Sanders, the winner.

Nationally, she has received endorsements from major Republican-leaning papers and leaders.

Many of us living on the Olympic Peninsula couldn’t scrape up the $250 to $27,000 to attend Clinton’s fundraiser in Seattle and still don’t know her positions. We do know Jill Stein’s positions on social, economic, racial and environmental justice mirror what Sanders had promoted.

Stein is the only presidential candidate who has gone to Standing Rock in solidarity with the Native Americans to stop the North Dakota pipeline. It’s about people over pipelines, understanding that water is life and recognizing treaty rights.

The Olympic Peninsula will have its own chance to stand and show solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux on Saturday at 1 p.m. with a rally and walk from the ferry terminal to the Port Townsend Community Center in Port Townsend. It’s the right thing to do.

There’s only one Earth. Help save it.

Vote Jill Stein.

Diane Jerich-Domin,

Port Ludlow