LETTER: Here’s a better idea than Inslee’s daft carbon emissions tax proposal

Gov. Jay Inslee’s latest brainstorm — hefty taxes on carbon emissions from fossil fuels for paying the education burden — is merely the best example yet of his contempt for the working class.

Though carbon and energy have no relation to this state’s educational black hole, the genius of this daft idea is it’s probably the single most regressive way to approach this issue.

Washington state again, in 2015, won the dubious distinction of having the most regressive tax policy in all 50 states — fait accompli.

Why not instead slap a 50 percent surcharge on all maternity and youth items, such as diapers, formula, toddler and infant accessories, along with day care and preschool?

Regressive also, but at least that is relevant to education.

Watching this governor and the Legislature over time, it’s clear that thinking outside their box is verboten, and thinking their way out of even a wet paper sack is difficult.

A completely relevant, inoffensive funding stream for worthy and unmet education costs would be this: a small, stand-alone tax of 2.5 percent to 3 percent on all non-medical electronic devices, services and accessories, i.e., every smartphone purchased, sold or delivered in this state, along with every computer, tablet, Kindle, every tech-related item, like software, games, cameras, Google-glasses, drones, tech toys, satellite radios, etc. — you get my point.

Also (and crucially), services related to these: all monthly smartphone, Wi-Fi and internet billings within the state.

Every single thing tech-related, even the ridiculous Apple Watch.

These devices aren’t going away and cross every demographic of age, income and interests.

Done this way, those who spend the most pay more, while those spending the least would pay also but pay less.

In effect and by definition: non-regressive.

Tom LaRue,
