LETTER: Have not spoken to one person in favor of clinic

A methadone, or more likely buphrenorphine clinic will cure nothing.

These drugs supplant the addictions and maintain the user on another drug.

The idea is to gradually reduce the dosage to a point that the user no longer needs it.

Is it effective?

The opinions, and statistics are all over the place about its effectiveness.

I see that the promoters of this clinic, the local tribe, receives praise for all they do for the community.

All this while selling gas, liquor, cigarettes, gambling and very soon marijuana.

Well, the mom and pop gift shop, the local barber, and virtually every other business in Sequim do what they can for the community.

It’s simply good business practice.

The chamber of commerce helps the community and points out all the amenities we have to those seeking to relocate, or visit.

They certainly won’t be celebrating a medication-assisted treatment clinic to any visitors.

I’ve spoken to not one person that is for this clinic.

Where is the will of the people?

Phil Turner,
