LETTER: Family hasn’t experienced harm from fumes

Global warming is promoted as being the current social crisis which is different from others in the past but has similarities.

Remember the ozone hole 30 years ago?

That was bound to reduce the excess population but it has actually gotten smaller while the population has exploded.

Perhaps my own personal story is relevant to you.

WWII broke out when I was 9 years old and my dad worked at the Atlantic Refinery Co. in sultry Philadelphia.

During the war he often worked 16 hours a day, then showered and changed his clothes, but we could detect him as soon as he arrived at home.

The fumes seemed to follow him.

Then, almost 20 years later, here in Port Angeles, my young family with three kids grew up downwind of three mills near the hospital.

Three were pulp mills, one a sawmill ad even a shake mill.

They all grew up healthy today.

We, they, and our nine grandkids have all somehow escaped the wrath of global warming.

So before we embark on this costly experiment to control the climate at the taxpayers’ expense we should think twice before promoting something unattainable.

Attacking the drug and homeless problem seems to be a more palatable goal to the average taxpayer than trying to keep sea levels from rising less than one foot in 50 years.

Glenn Wiggins,

Port Angeles