LETTER: Convinced Brotherton the best choice for Jefferson County

After spending several hours in a one-on-one conversation with Greg Brotherton at the beginning of his campaign, I was convinced.

Brotherton is running for commissioner in District 3 in Jefferson County and he has “done his homework.”

Having had valuable experience as a member of the Quilcene School Board learning local policy and the budgeting process, he moved on to attend the Monday morning county commissioners’ meetings to arm himself with the facts he needed to be a productive commissioner.

Having opened four local businesses since 2011, he turned his ideas toward the rest of the county.

His businesses have created jobs, something he sees as a necessary goal for the county.

These family-wage jobs along with affordable housing are two of his top goals.

Affordable housing, possibly the biggest problem in our county, must be provided in a timely way.

Brotherton hasn’t been content waiting for the lack of a sewer to be resolved, but has been thinking of possible ways to build homes without the expensive construction of sewer lines or septic tanks — things such as the composting toilets.

While traveling on the road in our RV, my husband and I met many people converting to these toilets in their RVs.

Brotherton is a man looking for ways to make Jefferson County a bustling area while retaining the peaceful rural nature of our area.

He is excited at the prospect of putting his ideas to work as commissioner for District 3.

Please give him your vote.

Linda Karp,

Port Ludlow