LETTER: Bill Putney has ideas for Port of Port Townsend besides taxes

Is everyone ready for another property tax increase on top of the McCleary decision of at least 80 cents, according to the Seattle Times?

Well, you will need to get ready.

The Port of Port Townsend, through the use of an Industrial Development District, might impose a 45-cent-per-$1,000-of-assessed-value property tax, all without a vote of the public.


Because certain commissioners voted against bringing moorage rates to fair market value and have ignored the opportunities of developing airport property to bring in more revenue.

Now the port is facing $6 million in repairs for deteriorating jetties at Point Hudson that may actually collapse this winter, according to news reports.

Plus an additional $14 million in maintenance that has been deferred for years [“Port of Port Townsend Facing Challenges in 2017 Budget Due To Repairs, Projects List,” PDN, Oct. 14, 2016].

Those of us inside and out of Port Townsend will have to pay and pay for Port Townsend.

As a retired person on a fixed income, I am opposed to this.

Let’s change course and elect Bill Putney, who has ideas other than just increasing our taxes, for port commissioner.

Virginia King,

Port Townsend