PORT TOWNSEND — Saturday’s Hearts in Bloom dinner will benefit the Jumping Mouse Children’s Center.
The dinner — sponsored by Jefferson Healthcare and Pane d’Amore — will be at 6:30 p.m. at the Northwest Maritime Center, 431 Water St.
Local chef Arran Stark will prepare a seasonal dinner.
Seats are $85 per person. Proceeds will go toward mental health therapy services for low-income children in the community.
At least 145 people are expected at the benefit, according to Jumping Mouse, which provides mental health therapy to children ages 2 to 12.
Beginning with only five children, it currently sees about 100 children weekly as well as provides support to their parents and caregivers.
No one is turned away for inability to pay.
Due to limited seating, event coordinators encourage those interested to reserve their seating.
To make a reservation, visit www.jumpingmouse.org, phone 360-379-5109 or email candy@jumping mouse.org.