PORT ANGELES — Among the coffee cups and Moon Pies lie the secrets, dreams, anxieties and a whole lot of laughter in the bank break room that provides the setting for the Port Angeles Community Players production “Five Tellers Dancing in the Rain.”
The play, the first in PACP’s 65th season, takes the stage tonight at the Port Angeles Community Playhouse, 1235 E. Lauridsen Blvd.
This weekend, the play will be staged tonight and Saturday night at 7:30 and at 2 p.m. Sunday. Subsequent performances will be Tuesday as well as Sept. 29-Oct. 1, Oct. 3 and Oct. 6-8.
Reserved seating tickets are $15 for adults and $8 for students and can be purchased at pacommunity players.com or at Brocante Antiques, 105 W. First St.
The Tuesday performances cost $15 for reserved seating or $8 at the door for festival seating.
The performance contains mature language and content; it is not recommended for children.
The plot centers on five women tellers in a Mississippi bank as they begin to heal broken arms and broken hearts, find new meaning in old friendships and discover new paths in their lives.
Director Lynne Murphy will make her directing debut after acting in plays for more than 20 years. Her cast includes Debbie Bourquin, Mindy Gelder, Nancy Gooch, Cheryl Koenig and Jessica Swenson.
“The play is very eye-opening and has something to teach us about ourselves in a very humorous way,” Murphy said.
“The cast has such great camaraderie on stage as well as off. They are a talented group who blossom all together.”