PORT ANGELES — WSU Extension veteran Master Gardeners Laurel Moulton, Audreen Williams and Janice Bartron invite the public for an informal discussion on gardening topics from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday.
The free monthly walk is at the Fifth Street Community Garden, located at 328 E. Fifth St., in Port Angeles just off Peabody Street and across from City Hall.
The July garden walk will cover pruning tomatoes, renovating June-bearing strawberries, dealing with birds and planting for a fall garden.
Featured in the Community Garden this year is a tip for growing pole beans.
Others are trying out trellising and garden art, as well as straw bale gardening.
Although scripted to cover what is currently happening in the garden, the monthly garden walk often goes off-script to accommodate the interests and inquiries of those attending.
For more information on the Master Gardener program, go to mastergardener.wsu.edu or call the Clallam County program coordinator at 360-565-2679.